It took an all-world effort for Pavel Datsyuk to put one past Tuukka Rask in Game 1 and it took a deflection off Luke Glendening’s shoulder to put another goal past the Bruins’ net-minder. On ...
Two weeks ago, Bruins fans wouldn’t have known who Justin Florek was unless they followed the Providence Bruins intently. Florek was up for a brief stint with the Black and Gold this season, but not long ...
If there was ever a time the Boston Bruins were to turn the page on a game, it would be on Easter Sunday in front of a nationally televised audience against the Detroit Red Wings. ...
Very rarely are the Detroit Red Wings considered an underdog for any playoff series. The Boston Bruins, for that matter, aren’t often considered as heavy favorites. This year, however, is a different story. The Bruins, ...
With Jarome Iginla nursing a lower-body injury, the Boston Bruins needed someone to fill the void on the first line. Well, Loui Eriksson answered the bell playing alongside David Krejci and Milan Lucic dishing out ...
It may not have been the smoothest first season that Loui Eriksson has asked for, but his ride is getting a lot smoother thanks to his play in the last few weeks. Hampered by concussion ...